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Dr. Frazelle's periodic posts on supply chain optimization, technology, and operations.
Warehouse Layout Optimization
WAREHOUSE LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION course. Below is an excerpt from our new course on How to Layout a Warehouse: Seven Steps to an Optimal...
How to Slot a Warehouse
I started my work in slotting optimization over 30 years ago. From a DOS diskette to a desktop application to remote PC access,...
Supply Chain Space Optimization
In our early work with Honda, the company’s warehouse space utilization was in excess of 98 percent. When it came time to implement a new...
Supply Chain Optimization through the Eyes of a Receiving Dock
A few years ago, we were asked to assist a large apparel retailer with their supply-chain strategy. We toured the main distribution...
Strategic Warehousing?
Since warehouses house inventory (or wares), warehousing adds business and supply chain value in all the same ways including facilitating...
To Zone or Not to Zone in Warehouse Order Picking
I recently toured a Xerox service parts distribution center outside of Chicago, Illinois. During the tour I spent nearly an hour...
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